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This page offers resources and perspectives from non-Calvinist viewpoints, aiming to provide a balanced understanding of Calvinism and its critiques.
Calvinism is a set of teachings under the umbrella of Reformed Theology within Christendom that permeates almost every sermon, book, song (including on our Good Rap & Hip Hop YouTube Channel), merchandise, and social media. (And, it is not synonymous with Reformed Theology.) As far as we know, it is being very well promoted in churches across the West. You may not have heard it before or haven't picked on it yet. People who hold to that view are called "Calvinists". But some Christians prefer to avoid calling themselves by that name because it comes after a man called "John Calvin" and he did not die for our sins. Others don't want to cause divisions among churches, so they keep quiet (or they will open up in secret with or without caution).
What is it?
In a nutshell, Calvinism is a soteriological* position that teaches that God decided in advance (before the creation was set in motion) which man, woman, boy, and girl would enter paradise by his sovereign grace through faith alone apart from the works of the law. It also teaches what would happen to the other group of people, who were ignored by God's sovereign choice from receiving forgiveness for their sins. These will glorify God by suffering in hell forever as God intended from that moment before he fashioned the universe.
You can read it in their acronym TULIP: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and the Perseverance of the Saints. (See link)
The purpose of this page
We understand that there are people who oppose Calvinism. These are known as non-Calvinists and they do not all believe the same thing just as there are different kinds of Calvinists out there. We found that many Calvinists are not fair in their assessment of those who do not hold to Reformed Theology, and some of them tend to demonize non-Calvinists. When it comes to allowing those who prescribe to the opposite view to explain themselves, most Calvinists are inclined to look for other Calvinists to articulate the belief system of non-Calvinists, but hardly are they ever going to the main source.
So to be fair, we created this page. We want to provide information from non-Calvinists to explain themselves. As you dive in, we invite you to examine all sides and come to your conclusions on that subject as you do it with an open bible and humble spirit. Did you know that** is the most resourceful website for Calvinists? With that in mind, below, we provide the most resourceful information from non-Calvinists.
At the end of the day, you decide what you want to believe in.
[*] Soteriological (or, soteriology) is a term that means the doctrine of salvation
[**] Please be aware that taking all the information you could possibly muster from the website, there is still a trap set up for you. That trap is that Calvinists will want to convince you (not of ill intentions) that there are only two camps: Calvinism and Arminianism. That is a false dichotomy. There are many types of Calvinists and there are many types of non-Calvinists, so don't allow them to put you into a category.
The Essential Trainer by Udo Karsten
Original Sin is Unbiblical by Paul Ellis (
6 Reasons Why Original Sin Cannot Be True by Paul Ellis (
Why I Departed from Calvinism: Part 1 | Part 2
Why is Calvinism promoted on our YouTube Channel?
List of Calvinist Rappers (TBD)
External Sources
Soteriology101, Website
Anti Calvinist Rant, Blogspot
Calvinism No More, Website
Save the Perishing, Website
Muh TULIP, Facebook page
Beyond the Fundamentals, Website
A Theology in Tension, Wordpress
Even If Christianity Hurt, Facebook page
Five Reasons Calvinism is A False Doctrine, Website
Jack Cottrell, Website
In Search of Truth, Website
Black Sheep Theology Network, Website
Escape to Reality, Blogspot
God So Loved The World: Traditional Baptists and Calvinism by Fisher Humphreys and Paul E. Robertson
Unlimited: God's Love, Atonement, and Mission by Ken Hemphill
The Potter's Promise: A Biblical Defense of Traditional Soteriology by Leighton Flowers
Calvinism: A Closer Look by Daniel Gracely
Calvinism: None Dare Call It Heresy (spotlight on the life and teachings of John Calvin) by Bob Kirkland D.D.
Tackling Tulip: Exposing the Biblical, Theological, and Practical Errors of Calvinism by Grant Ralston and Edward Ralston
Calvinism Refuted: Questions Reformed Theology Can't Answer by Nodal Milieus
Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed: Black Holes, Love, and a Journey in and Out of Calvinism by Austin Fischer
The Foundation of Augustinian-Calvinism by Ken Wilson
Determined to Believe? The Sovereignty of God, Freedom, Faith, and Human Responsibility by John C. Lennox
What Love Is This?: Calvinism's Misrepresentation of God by Dave Hunt
Christian Theology: Biblical, Historical, and Systematic by Adam Harwood
John Calvin Goes to Berkeley by James Mccarthy[novel]
The Revival and Rejection of an Old Traditional Heresy ... or, The Doctrine of God Decreeing All Sin Examined and Refuted by John Benson
YouTube Videos
Trojan Horses in the Church Today - Part 1: Calvinism by Dr. Thomas M. Cucuzza
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Over time, we will update this page with more resources.
Why is Calvinism Promoted on Our YouTube Channel?
For our readers, who are aware that we do not adhere to the Calvinistic soteriological worldview and are concerned about us promoting Reformed Theology on our founded YouTube Channel "Good Rap & Hip Hop".
Your concerns are valid.
Firstly, some of the lyrics from Calvinists do encourage us in our Christian walk. But for your assurance, there are some songs by themselves that we wouldn't promote, such as full-blown Calvinistic teachings throughout the lyrical content. We have our opinions on what it sounds like, and we know some of you will see it differently. And it is okay. We can agree to disagree.
Secondly, you get to learn what they believe in for FREE. We are not being sarcastic here, you don't have to go to a Calvinistic seminar to understand their trail of thought. You also learn that some Calvinists are not on the same page as others who hold to that belief system.
Thirdly, we already covered in another post which internet source is mostly used to propagate their TULIP. Music is another venue where scriptural gymnastics are made evident. (We do not intend to sound rude and unloving. It is just how we, non-Calvinists, see it!) So we choose to provide a source.
The Essential Trainer
How to respond to the most common gaslighting statements by Calvinists. All in one convo!
1. Why do you hate the "sovereignty" of God?
I don't. I'm simply saying that people have a choice in whether they believe the Gospel or not.
2. Are you saying you contributed to your salvation?
No. I'm saying God's gift by grace is freely accepted through faith.
3. Are you saying you contributed to your salvation?
No. I'm saying God's gift by grace is freely accepted through faith.
4. You worship free will. You're a Pelagian!
Accepting a gift is worshiping free will? How so?
5. You think you're better than others because you chose God?
Why does responding to the Gospel (or accepting a gift) make one person better than another? Everyone has the ability to respond to God, some believe and some do not. Some accept the gift of salvation, others don't. Nothing to do with being better than someone else for doing so.
6. Denying core Christian doctrine, are you? Nobody seeks God on their own. You're a Pelagian!
The Gospel is the power unto salvation for all who believe. God seeks sinners through the message of the Gospel in order that they can respond to him.
7. And you think Jesus died only to make people savable?
Jesus died so that any person can be saved if they would believe in Christ.
8. That's Arminian heresy!
That's John 3:16, 1 Tim 2:4, 1 John 2:2.
9. Your theology is man-centered.
I simply quoted Scripture that shows God's love for all people and therefore desiring their salvation. How is that man-centered?
10. You don't understand Calvinism. God is sovereign over who will be saved and who will be damned forever!
Here is what I really don't understand: how is a sovereign God to receive glory for creating people for hell to be tormented forever for reasons beyond their control?
11. Oh, so you think God is unfair, do you?
Well, what makes such an action fair?
12. "Who are you, o man..."
I'm nobody, but Scripture teaches that God is just. Calvinism makes nonsense of the term "justness". Being punished for something beyond your control is not an example of justness.
13. I didn't even mention Calvinism, I just quoted the Bible.
Out of context and for illegitimate purposes, yes!
14. You just hate the God of the Bible.
Because I disagree with your misuse of the Bible? Okay then.
Written by Udo Karsten [source]